Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Half way there

Here is my belly picture for you Darci as you requested. It really takes nerve to do this, so that must mean I love my family A LOT to share this with them. And Kailey is so cute; she took this picture for me. Although, I have to admit that this is probably a good idea since I've never documented my pregnancy before. I'm sure one day I will look back and want to remember what I looked like big and pregnant. And the scary thing is...I still have about 20 pounds to go! But, it's all worth it. :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

It's really another...

Girl! We just couldn't be happier. That is exactly what we were all hoping for. Now, if I could just have one more wish come true... I just hope she will be as cute and sweet as our Kailey girl.

Now we need some help with a name. A middle name that is. I can't think of anything yet that goes really well with Ashlynn. Please help us by leaving a suggestion. Thank you!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Our summer vacation

Thank you for sending my camera back to me Kimberly! So, now here are a few photos from our summer vacation from a couple of months ago...

We first went to California and spent our first day at Knotts Berry. The next day we went to the Arboredum (a bird sanctuary and botanical garden).
Next, we went to Santa Monica Beach. Justin was pretty proud of the sand castle that he helped the kids with. (notice the suspended bridge.)
The kids had such a great time playing at the beach.

We stayed with my sister-in-laws parents in Pasedena California. This is their house. Just kidding. Actually, it's the one across the street from theirs. We got to go over and take a peak while the gardeners were there. This also happens to be where the Princess Diaries was filmed. It was pretty cool to see. The kids had a great time running through the gardens.
This is the stained glass in one of the gazebos.
Here we are at Jackson Hole.
We went to Bear world near Yellowstone and got to see a lot of bears. This is one of the cutest ones...
No wait, I mean this is the cutest one...

Next we went to Yellowstone.
Jake and Kailey still hanging on to their souveniers from Bear World...
No Yellowstone trip is complete without a picture in front of Old Faithful.