Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Half way there

Here is my belly picture for you Darci as you requested. It really takes nerve to do this, so that must mean I love my family A LOT to share this with them. And Kailey is so cute; she took this picture for me. Although, I have to admit that this is probably a good idea since I've never documented my pregnancy before. I'm sure one day I will look back and want to remember what I looked like big and pregnant. And the scary thing is...I still have about 20 pounds to go! But, it's all worth it. :)


Kimberly said...

Okay, seriously I was expecting bigger. You look great! I can hardly see your bump!! And way to go Kailey for taking a great shot! You look awesome and I'm glad you're sharing and documenting the moments because they do fly by.

Darci said...

So, where is it?! Seriously, where is your baby bump?!? You look incredible! And that is awesome that Kailey took that shot of you! Tell her she did a great job...I see a future hobby in the making! Really, I too expected your tummy to be much bigger, that is just a tiny tummy of a baby girl! So excited for you! Thanks for posting it! Now what can I request next? Hmmmm...

Pamela said...

Excellent photo! You're looking exactly as I expected...You aren't gaining any excess weight by the looks of you! I'm very proud of our Kailey Girl for taking such a great shot! It couldn't have been too easy for her with your camera being sooo big for her small hands. Keep up the good work Kailey Girl! I think it's a great idea to document your pregnancy. Let's get Giz to do the same! I loveadore you and miss you.

Darci said...

CUTE! Love your new Halloween background! I'm glad to see everyone getting into the "spirit" of Halloween! Did ya get my pun? tee hee And a big thank you to digging up a supressed memory of Jeff and his black sock kissing feet! EEEYUCK!!! LOL! That is so funny! And has forever ruined Foot Face for me and my children...only joking! Love ya man!

Kimberly said...

Hey man, just wanted to let ya know that I updated my blog, finally! It was great talking to ya today!! Love ya!

Kimberly said...

Okay, I just have to tell you the word verification thing was really funny when I posted my last comment. It was: nershe. And for some reason I thought of the "smelly griff nerds" that Shawn use to call us. I just thought that was a funny word, nershe! You are such a nershe! See, it could catch on. Okay, I should go to bed now. See why I don't blog at night anymore? Love ya!

Pamela said...

Hey Sis! Yep, it is a bit unusual this time of year. We weren't expecting it for another two to three weeks! I do remember Justin commenting on not having to shovel sunshine! I remember making that remark to my next door neighbor in Vernal. We both had a good laugh and then we started shoveling again...Come Jan. and Feb. we'll all be wanting to visit you in AZ! I, too, love the changing of the seasons. Especially for the holidays.

Darci said...

So if the word had been "barf" I hope you wouldn't take that as a sign to start up chucking your food! tee hee That was so funny about the cycle comment, you crack me up! I'm glad Cousin Jake was laughing at Cousin Colton! We should post a video of our kids saying hi to each other! That would be cute! Love ya! "Your brain has the shell on it."