Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I just had to capture a few moments of Gavin doing what he does most of the time...playing with his cars and trucks. He has quite the obsession with vehicles. Anything with wheels, including strollers and vacuums, he gets very excited about. Gotta love the bed head too.


Pamela said...

He is just too cute and all boy! I love his bed hair! He sure is growing up...I really like your background for this post! So appropriate for Gavin's vehicle obsession. He reminds me of Jake! I remember how obsessed Jakers was about vacuums. I remember holding him while you and Justin shopped for your big T.V. He HAD to touch every single vacuum at Sears. My, quickly they grow.
Ummm...did I see red geraniums in a pot in the background of one the pics? That's my favorite. I miss you all sooooooooooo MUCH! Love, Muver

Pamela said...

I also remember the darling noises Gavin made when he got excited in Yellowstone. I can just hear him as "drives" his trucks. There's a huge ache in my heart tonight...

Kimberly said...

So cute!! And I think Caleb has that exact same monster truck outfit too!! My mother-in-law gave it to him for Christmas. And Caleb still loves and is obessessed with cars and trucks. Even now McKell can look through one of his truck books and say "airplane, truck, tractor"...yeah, he's pretty proud of teaching his little sister the good stuff. I miss you guys!!

Richard and Jeannie Griffin said...

Cute little guy! It's so funny how they go thru stages where certain toys just take over all their attention. By the way, this next week, Wednesday's prediction is sunny and 83 degrees. That's right!! Eighty three degrees. Kind of a warming trend thru the middle of next week, then back in the 70's for the weekend. But good day to go to "Hole in the Rock" and the zoo.

Pamela said...

Well Sis, I just can't thank you enough for reminding me about the blow snake! [I say with tongue in cheek] I'm NOT surprised that Jakers remembers...[although I was hoping he'd forget!] That boy has a mind and a memory that is beyond belief. I'll have to see what I can do...You won't mind having a snake or two in the house will you!?!? Kiss them all for me!
I suppose Kailey Girl will want a snake too.?.?