Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ashlyn and Gavin found a new Hobby

Looks like we have ourselves an official thumb sucker here folks. It's really cute, but I'm a little worried about how hard it might be to break her of it.

Ashlyn says, "Oh yeah, well I'll just flip you the birdie if you try and break me of this habit." :)

Notice how red and slobbery her poor little thumb is. Awww.
Now how could you EVER say no to this little guy? Can you see how he melts my heart? He is just too sweet.
"Of course I will play ball with you." (I'm quite surprised at how well he can actually hit. Even the balls I pitch, which is really saying something)


Kimberly said...

Aww...those are so precious of Ashlynn sucking her chubby thumb! Love it! I guess she takes after her mama right? I have no suggestions for you either on how to break finger sucking habits because Caleb still sucks his last three fingers all the time. Grr. But for now it's just so cute so let her enjoy it! And Gavin is so cute and that's amazing that he can hit a moving ball! You've got a star baseball player in the making eh? You'll have to teach me how you take your pictures because I love how you focus. Great pictures!

Pamela said...

I agree with Kimberly! How adorable and precious! Ohh, how I miss those kids! Try not to worry about her thumb sucking. I'm pretty sure she"ll quit before fifth grade. I did. I was in the fifth grade and my best friend caught me sucking my thumb and I was sooo embarrassed I quit! I miss my Gavin! I could NEVER say no to him either. He tares at my heart strings! Wonderful pictures! I have one with him looking up at me with ketchup all over his beautiful face.
BTW, how's the wall climbing? tee hee

Darci said...

She just looks so darn relaxed...I think she's onto something! ;) And Gavin just melts the heart! How could anyone say no to him? He has such a sweet face and personality! Great pics!