Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Okay so, the love of cars didn't start nor does it end with Gavin. To be honest, it stems from their Daddy. Jake has been trying to talk Justin into trading his BMW for a Corvette. Well, that isn't likely to happen anytime soon. However, my in-law's have a really nice neighbor that took Jake for a ride on Sunday. He was in Heaven.

He is still talking about it and thinks that Daddy should definitely get one! Sorry Jake, it ain't happening.


Nick said...

Yeah, that is a pretty sweet ride! It probably didn't statisfy Jake's desire for one, but made it stronger! Good luck with that when he turns 16!! Ha! Ha!

Kimberly said...

Okay, so that was weird. Nick somehow was signed in on our blog so the comment seems like it was from him, but it was from me. Weird, that's never happened before. Oh well. Just so you know it was from me not him!

Darci said...

Vroom vroom, that is very nice! And how fun for Jake! That kid's got nice taste!!! And ditto with the well wishes for you when he turns sweet 16...oh boy! ;o)