Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Jake!

Here is the snake cake that I made for Jake. The best part was the edible chocolate rocks. They looked so real. Jake wanted me to put his favorite kind of snakes on it as well...albino corn snakes.

Yeah, this is a little morbid...
Jake thought it was great!
He woke up to these decorations...

Jake loves to u-tube video clips of Steve Irwin, so I decorated the house with pictures and sayings that Steve Irwin was famous for using...

The kids went on a scavenger hunt for snake eggs that had clues written inside. The final clue told them to go to Jake's Mom. When they came to me, I asked them each a snake trivia question, which was then rewarded with a plastic snake. Jake's reward was not exactly plastic though...
He was VERY surprised and so was everyone else.

He loves his new albino corn snake that he named Viper.
And Kailey loves her new snake as well. Her Birthday present came just a couple of weeks early.


Kimberly said...

Holy cow that cake was so awesome!! Seriously, the rocks, the snakes, the eggs, the trees, the water, everything looked amazing!! I'm very impressed! You and Darci sure know how to decorate a cake! I'm thinking the bar has been set way too high for me and so I'm not even going to attempt!! Ha! Ha! Well, maybe not right now espeically since I might be having a baby any day. Jake sure looked like he enjoyed it all! And I have to admit those snakes do look pretty cool. I'm happy that everything went so well and sad that we couldn't be there to enjoy it with you all. And good luck on Saturday with his baptism! Tell him we're so excited and happy for him to take this great step in his life!

(I still think you should start a side business of your own and have people hire you for birthday parties).

Darci said...

Oh my TALENTED!!! What the cake?! That was amazing!!! I am so incredibly impressed, love the layout, the snake chasing the mouse, and the are so talented!!! And the decorations to the party and the activities were so fun! I agree with GIZ, you should go into a party planning business. I'm sure Jake and his friends had a blast: what great memories! (Love the background too!) I just can't get over that cake! Wow! And I'm sure his baptism will be a wonderful experience!

Pamela said...

I'm at a loss for words!!! You did a marvelous job sister pooh! I'm amazed! The cake is so inventive! The rocks and the first Randy thought the snakes on the cake was real and wanted to know why anyone would want to eat the cake after those snakes were climbing all over it! I bet Jakers loved the snake chasing after the mouse.The pics on the walls of Steve Irwin was brilliant! What a fun birthday!This is one that he'll never forget and I thought you might have a struggle topping last years birthday creation! You're a hoot!All my children are soooo creative. I can hardly wait to see what you'll do next! And yes...Randy and I agree with Giz and Darci. You should be a party planner. {You don't have enough to keep you busy anyway!Hahahaha}