Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A NOT so Happy Birthday for Kailey

Kailey has been looking forward to her Birthday for months! She talked about it constantly. She even coached me on how exactly to decorate her rainbow dash birthday cake. She had to have purple flowers in her hair, and a rainbow colored eye with a heart...just like the real rainbow dash.

and the cupcakes HAD to have pinkalicious frosting...
She woke us up at 5:00 in the morning on her Birthday. Unfortunately, not because she was too excited, but it was because she had thrown up in her bed. So, so, unbelievably SAD! It broke our hearts. :( She had caught a very nasty flu bug that has been going around. We had to cancel the pool party and everything. The next day, after we came home from the doctor and gave her the anti-nausea medicine he prescribed, she finally felt like opening a few presents.
She was very excited that she got the snow cone machine that she had been asking for.
along with ponies, Mary Poppins, Pinkalicious book, and of course...
Rainbow Dash!
We will be saving her cake until she feels up to eating it. But for now, just this... "Pinkalicious," right?
We love you Kailey girl and hope you get feeling better soon so that Daddy can take you to Sunsplash!


Kimberly said...

I'm so sorry that she was sick on her birthday...no fun. But at least she was able to open a few presents and enjoy that amazing cake! Again, you amaze me with your cake decorating ablilities!! I hope you are feeling better Kailey girl and enjoy celebrating your birthday longer!!

Richard and Jeannie Griffin said...

What a bummer! She told me Sunday she was so excited because at school she would "get to put a crown on and everyone would sing Happy Birthday to me and everything." It's bad enough to get sick, but on your birthday! What a fabulous job on that cake. You and Darci, man, I don't know. Who sent you guys to cake decorating school? Tell Kailey to get better. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (OK, my word verification to post this is "bounces." That's an omen. I hope Kailey "bounces" right back to herself.)

Darci said...

That's no fun to be sick on your birthday!!! :( So sad Kailey Girl...glad to hear that you are beginning to feel better though! ;) Love the cake and cupcakes! Looks awesome! And love that Kailey was so specific on just how to decorate the cake too! She is so cute! What a great Mom to get it all right for her special b-day girl! You did a beautiful job once again! Give her hugs and kisses!

Amanda said...

Sorry she was sick - but wow - what a pretty cake! You sure are talented!!