Thursday, May 20, 2010


Kailey and I had fun shooting her 6 year old pics today. I was hoping to get some more of Ashlyn for her 3 month photo's as well, but she spit up all over her clothes. So, I'll have to get back to her sooner or later. I absolutely LOVE the outfits! And I have been wanting to take pictures at this location (The Orange Patch) since I got my camera. I think we captured a few keepers. What do you think?


Kimberly said...

Okay love them all! But my favorite has to be the one with the orange in her mouth!! So funny and cute! And those outfits are adorable and perfect too. Yeah, I'd say she's a keeper!! She looks so grown up too. I can't believe it! She's so beautiful! Great pictures. Can't wait to see more of Ashlynn.

Darci said...

Oh my goodness! Gorgeous! From the girls, to the adorable outfits, to the background choice, and the orange in her mouth!!! LOVE these pics! You must frame these and put them up in your house! They are both too cute and "juicy" for words! Just want to squeeze them both! (Oh, and just posted the snickerdoodle recipe for ya!)

Darci said...

Okay, wow! I'm a little slow on the up take: just got the full impact of the title to this post! You are too funny man!

Richard and Jeannie Griffin said...

What a photogenic little girl! The dress was perfect and the oranges just made everything perfect. I started to look at this post and thought, "I've seen these pictures already." Then I remembered you e-mailed them to Jeannie to see what she thought before you posted. Duh! Great job, Sis.

Richard and Jeannie Griffin said...

Love the photos and outfits good job nice lighting and some darn good photography. You are doing so well with you composing location picks and lighting girl I am impressed.

Love you,