Sunday, May 2, 2010

Jake's new pet

Thank you Grandpa Griffin for catching a lizard and gecko for Jakers. He couldn't be happier.

Here he is admiring and longing to hold them...

A few hours later, he gets his wish. He just had to find out if the lizard was male or female.
He was very glad to find out that it's a boy. You can tell from the blue markings on his belly.
This kid is all smiles...

even when it is biting him.
Kailey was feeling a little left out, so she had to go and dig up a pet of her own. :)


Pamela said...

HAHAHAHA! Love it! {I bet you're just thrilled and delighted sweetheart.} Now I don't need to find a blow snake! Actually as Randy, Gary, and Bill are building a corral for Bill's horses, I asked Gary if he ever sees any snakes. He told me blow snakes and rattlers. I asked him to keep an eye out and catch a blow snake for me. Gary lives right there by the corral and sees them quite regularly. Kailey Girl is so cute! You go girl! She's never to be out done! That girl has SPUNK! You took great pics too, Sis. I could see the lizard clearly through the jar....not as clear as you do though! Ahhh! The joys of parenthood! Great post.

Kimberly said...

Ha! Ha! Okay first of all I'm laughing at your movie quote you left on my blog! You're a nut! And second, I love that Kailey had to dig up her own pet. Dad actually told me about this lizard and how Jake had to look it up and find out what it was and everything. And I'm sure it's male due to the "blue strips on it's belly"...good to know you can tell that way. He's so into lizards and snakes and everything a boy should be I guess. How fun for him. Here's one for ya "Do you know him? Does he call you at home? Do you have a dorsal fin?!" tee hee. (I think we're driving mom crazy with our movie quotes!) Oh, and yeah love the tiny Dickey...maybe I should really chose a name now so that one doesn't stick! Nerd!! Love ya!

Darci said...

So cute! "Well, it's nice to make new friends." (Enchanted) I'm sure that gift from Dad made his day! How fun! And yes, I am making time again to blog...won't be as frequent as I have in the past: Gripp has gotten too handsy with the power cord to the laptop, I don't keep it out in the open anymore!!! Not if I want a working computer! ;o) So it's catch up time for me! And am glad to have posts to catch up on!