Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm pretending...

that it's Fall. It's a little hard when it's still 90+ degrees outside, but the leaves in my backyard are starting to change (even if it's only to one shade of yellow). I love this time of year.

Although who could dispute the beauty of the AZ sunset...
(I took this pic the other night while Jake was looking for sedimentary rocks by the river to earn his geology belt loop)
Jake thought he was cool because he could balance on an iron beam that was next to where we parked. (btw, this image reminds me of one recently taken by an awesome photographer in my ward. So, Jen if you happen to be reading...thanks for the inspiration. You're the best!)


Darci said...

Gorgeous photos! And way to balance Jake! You are cool! ;o) Fall is my favorite time of year...I am so excited to go to the pumpkin patch again this year! I plan on shopping for some cute (but still macho) Halloween clothes for my boys to wear to the pumpkin patch: I'm hoping it will make for some really cute pictures! Target here I come!

Kimberly said...

Wow 90's getting pretty cool here in the mornings and evenings. Fall is definatly in the air here already. We're trying to soak in as much vitamin D as we can! Anyway, those are some beautiful pictures. You seriously are very talented with photography. You've come a long ways since high school and using me as your model...yikes, those images are still haunting me by the way! :) I can see you've moved onto much better subjects as well. Keep them coming!

Richard and Jeannie Griffin said...

90+ degrees heck! It was 106 today. Tell it like it is, Cortney. We live in hell's kitchen!! I don't think we're going to have fall weather this year. What are we going to do for Halloween? The kids will be sweating in their costumes. Anyway, it is a great time of year. Looking forward to Halloween costume photos of ALL the grandkids. Nice photos though, of Jake. Great post. Love you. Dad