Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kid Date with Mommy and Daddy

The weekend before last, we took Jake and Kailey on a special date with Mommy and Daddy. On Friday Jake chose to eat at El Charro and then go bowling. He had such a fun time. He is still talking about it and can't wait until next month when he can go on another date with us. I wish I had taken pics, but I didn't bring my big camera (I will next time). Justin got a new phone on Saturday and was able to take a few pics of Kailey on her date night with us. She chose to go to Make a Wish and paint a ceramic piece that she picked out.

here she is choosing a paint color...
Isn't she cute?
working so hard...
she now has this proudly displayed on her dresser (next to her tiara)


Kimberly said...

I think that going on dates with your kids is such a great idea! What a great way for each of them to feel special and loved. And it's a rare thing to have Mommy and Daddy's 100% attention too. I love that she picked a dog and painted it just like Liberty! And she did a fantastic job too! I'm sure Jake loved bowling and probably got a strike. I know he could totally get a higher score than me that's for sure! What a great tradition and one that I'm going to try to do in our family.

Darci said...

Ditto to Giz's comment! What a great idea and wonderful tradition! And how adorable of Kailey to paint a dog like Liberty! Those a great photos of her hard at work: looks like she has inherited her mom's talent of artwork etc.! And definitely get pics of Jake knocking down those pins next time! Oh, and love the costumes for your kids! Halloween is so much fun!

Kimberly said...

Ha! Ha! About your comment on my last post about Nick's cake. Actually what was really scary was lighting all those candles! I almost burned myself a couple of times trying to hurry before they all melted into the cake! And both you and Darci wanted to know what kind of cake it was. It's really easy and I just threw it together. It's only chocolate cake with whip cream and carmel topping. It's just what I had in the kitchen already. And it was really tasty too. So there you have it. Love ya!