Friday, September 17, 2010

Liberty Sit!

The kids have been helping train Liberty to come, sit, laydown, stand, and roll over. It cracks me up when Gavin tries to help too. He tells her to sit...with an "sh." It is so funny to hear his little voice, "Wiberty, $%*#!" I guess I just have to make sure he gives her that command outside. ;)


Barbara Wiser said...

This blog post made me laugh out loud tonight. Don't forget to tell him about it when he's's a great story you can laugh at for years to come!

I'm glad Liberty can "sit" now...or the other word too :D


Kimberly said...

That's too funny!! And hey, like I said at least it's not as bad as McKell trying to say "truck". Love the pictures, they are so precious. I really love the ones you took of Gavin just playing around at home. Those are great ones to have and remember in years to come! Love all the cute feet pictures too, I love baby/kid feet! I still think Caleb has cute feet and he's four! Keep the posts coming!

Pamela said...

Oh Cortney! I can't stop laughing! It reminds me of when Jakers was about that age and Justin was putting manure in the back yard to fertilize the newly planted grass. I remember walking in and he pointed out to the back yard saying the word "grass" except he left off the "GR". A short time later we were driving down Haden in Scottsdale when we past the golf course and he quickly pointed out the window yelling the word "grass" [without the "gr"] several times. Do you remember? It still makes me laugh. I can see it all so clearly in my mind. I really wish I could have seen Gavin first hand doing this! How funny and precious are these grandchildren!?! I miss you all soooo much. We will plan a trip down as soon as we can. We"ve been working around the clock, just about 24\7, and we still don't see an end for a break. Keep posting and I love your photography! BTW, "Wiberty" is a darling dog. I'm thrilled for the kids.

Darci said...

Oh my goodness, I am playing catch up with your posts! You have to video Gavin saying that to Wiberty! Please!!! How funny! It's like Gripp saying truck, sometimes doesn't quite sound like truck...and reminds me of Jake saying green grass without the gr on grass! I love those pics! You have such a talent!

Darci said...

Okay, I just read Giz and Mom's comments and it's funny how we each said about the same thing! Memories! :)