Thursday, October 7, 2010

Axel F

over and over and over and over...

He has been OBSESSED with this song for the past few months. He had been playing the first few measures that he picked up by ear over and over again. I finally got him the sheet music and his piano teacher helped him figure out the rest. He played this song for the talent show in front of his class today. He was so happy and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I noticed quite a few heads bopping up and down with the beat. It was pretty funny.

You did a great job Jake! Love you SO much!


Richard and Jeannie Griffin said...

"Axel F!" You go Jake. (That's all he has ever wanted to play for me every time I come to your house or he comes over here.) It is "Over and over and over. . . ." but you know, one day we'll miss those times when he played Axel F and was so obsessed with it. Wish we could have gone to the talent show. I'm sure he did a GREAT job. Way to go, Jake!! Grandpa loves you, boy!

Darci said...

He is so handsome! And talented too! And it was bugging me trying to figure out what movie I heard this song in recently: Monsters vs Aliens! Now I will have that stuck in my head too! Congrats on doing so well at your talent show Jake the Snake! Keep it up!

Kimberly said...

I wish I could hear him play it! I'm not sure what Axel F is to be honest. But I'm super impressed that Jake can play it and did in front of everyone too! Love the precious pictures too, especially the one with Gavin playing with Jake. So cute! Way to go Jake!

Kimberly said...

Ha! Ha! Okay, now I hear the music and totally know what Axel F is and I am way impressed and think that it's so funny that he wanted to play that! Thanks for posting the music so I could fully appreciate it! So proud of you Jake for rocking it out! And now it's going to be stuck in my head forever.... :)