Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Here is what the other three kids looked like in their costumes.

"Team Jacob!" Actually, twilight had nothing to do with Jake's costume choice...more the fact that he could scare his sister so easily with it.
Here is our little Buzz Lightyear. I couldn't get him to smile. The only expression I had time to capture on him was: "Uh oh, I really have to pee."
Ashlyn as a cute fat kitty cat. She is always a happy baby.
She kept hanging on to her costume like it was a blankie. I just love her to pieces!
Hope you all had a fun Halloween. We sure did!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Ha! Ha! Team Jacob, that's so funny! He looked really scary to me! And Gavin looked so perfect as Buzz. And I'd love to squeeze that fat cat Ashlynn!! You all looked great for Halloween!!