Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Yes, I am brave"

Last Sunday, while Jake and Kailey were playing "snake" with their rubber snakes in the backyard they ironically came across a real one! Jake said he heard it rattle, but was pretty sure that it wasn't a rattle snake. Well, we certainly can't have rattle snakes living in our backyard, so I went to check it out. Right away I could tell it was a Coach Whip snake (non venimous), but it was pretending to be a rattle snake by vibrating it's tail against the dead leaves (I guess I have learned a thing or two about snakes with all of the snake books Jake shows me). So then I coaxed it out of the bush and got it to go in a plastic container.

Then my Dad came over and helped me put it in Jake's old tank where his corn snakes use to live. I say "used to" because they died a couple of month ago. Yes, very sad, but now we have a dog. :) Anyway, Jake asked to keep it, but I am not at all okay with an aggressive snake like that! He kept it locked in the tank for a couple of days and then we let it go out in the desert.
We had to get a couple of pics and play with it before we released it (click on this pic to make it big. the snake it sticking it's tounge out too!) Gross Dad!Kailey's turn...
Jake is going to be the next Steve Irwin. (hopefully not!)
I'm trying to figure out why we have so many animal adventures around our house. A friend has convinced me that they must me telling each other that our house is the cool hang out spot. ;) So, stay tuned for the next animal adventure that we might have...


Richard and Jeannie Griffin said...

I must say, that was the fastest snake I ever handled. I still can't believe you got it in the plastic container. It was really fun, and a beautiful snake (pink underbelly and all). That kid is a snake lover, that's why we call him "Jake the snake." So what's next in your backyard, a bobcat or coyote? Thanks for the post. Love it. Grandpa

Darci said...

"I can take care of myself all by myself!" I love Sara (she is my favorite from that movie)! And she is why Colton refers to all tricerotops as Saratops! His favorite dino! You are brave, the things a mother does for her children...and ditto to the gross Dad for kissing the snake! So funny! Great pics!

Kimberly said...

Ha! Ha! Love the Land Before Time quotes. Seriously, you do have quite the wildlife around your home. Good thing Jake is so informed and knows how to take care of things (and you too!). And good thing Dad is around to help take care of it all as well, execpt I may be a bit concerned at his handling methods...hmmm... Great pictures though and I'm glad no one got bit!